Reference Profiles | Introduction

Reference Profiles are strings that reference the design of a road centerline to vertically represent features of your sections, such as the left/right curb lines.  You pick the ranges over which to match the road centerline design, and edit the design in between to manage the left/right curb elevations and pavement crossfalls through intersections.

You can project these directly onto your road alignment as Civil 3D Profiles (complete with PVI’s and vertical curves) for plan production.

Reference Profiles – Corridor EZ V25.1

Reference profiles streamline the process of designing curb lines to manage the longitudinal grades of the curb lines and accommodate for crossfall changes at intersections (and anywhere along a road).

Reference Profiles automate multiple tasks in delivering design controls for your roads:

  • Creating Strings describing the left/right curb lines of your road, enabling design control of the curb lines left/right of your road where you want, and otherwise referencing the Road centerline design
  • Automatically applying changes to the road sections based on the Reference Profile elevations
  • Automating the process of projecting these onto your road alignments as Civil 3D profiles, where it is required to show the curb profile design/s along with, or instead of, the centerline design

For intersection control, you specify an intersection match code to ensure proper alignment of curb or edge-of-road profiles with the main road at an intersection.

Reference Profiles can be created individually or all at once using the Auto Create function. Use Auto Create to save time creating reference profiles for all your roads, setting up the zones for manual design overrides through intersections, and creating Civil 3D profiles for plan production.

You can edit the Reference Profile Strings using the Vertical Grading Editor to adjust the vertical design where you need.